Why MLK Monday will be best Tahoe day in 20 years

By: Andrew Bensch | Published: 2986 days ago.

Update 1/13 @430pm: Due to the continued power outage affecting most of the West Shore, Homewood was running on generators today and therefore the highspeed quad (Old Homewood Express) did not open. The photo above was taken around 11am from above The Face looking down at the North Lodge. The quad is currently scheduled to open on Saturday 1/14, making Homewood the only ski area in Tahoe that will still have entire runs with fresh, untracked powder for the early-risers who manage to get first chair tomorrow. For those who don't like waiting, the best way to skip lines is by booking a private lesson!


California’s string of super storms have set the stage for some seriously superb skiing conditions at Lake Tahoe this holiday weekend. The Lake itself has seen 33.6 billion gallons of water added since the start of 2017, causing the whole lake to rise by foot. Tahoe Resorts have added over 14 FEET of snow as of Thursday morning. Just as of this afternoon, those systems are dying down with sunshine and highs in the low 30s for the weekend forecast.


Martin Luther King Jr’s dream was focused on equality of the people. That was his generation’s biggest challenge. Today one of our generation’s greatest challenges is to preserve our planet for the generations that follow. Between warming temps and California’s four-year drought, having enough snow is not something we can ever take for granted. It is our dream at Snow Schoolers that future generations will always be able to enjoy the winter sports in Lake Tahoe that will be in full display this weekend.


Unfortunately, over the past twenty years, fewer and fewer people have been learning to ski and snowboard (while prices keep going up and up). Our fundamental philosophy here at Snow Schoolers is that skiing & snowboarding should be something all Americans can enjoy. Unlike others in the industry, we believe that ski school is not a zero-sum game. We care deeply about introducing new skiers and snowboarders to the sport we love, not just raising prices on those who already participate. With affordable prices, simple technology, and great instructors, we can make America ski again. With Tahoe blanketed in snow, this weekend looks to be big step in the right direction.


With this our inaugural winter season at Snow Schoolers, we are hoping it will be the start of an improved future of skiing. A future where we will eventually be able to offer on demand lessons with your choice of private instructor and your choice of resort, all at an affordable price.


Which brings us to this weekend. Besides the fact that Homewood is our inaugural partner resort, there is really no better place to start than at Homewood Mountain Resort this weekend. With 170 inches of snow since New Years Day, Homewood has seen more snow fall this month than any other in the last 20 years, and it's only January 12th!


Now why is Monday the best, and not Saturday or Sunday? While the whole weekend will undoubtedly be epic, come Monday afternoon the vast majority of weekend vacationers will pack up their bags and jam themselves onto Interstat 80 to "beat the traffic." Which means they won't be skiing Monday, when the forecast calls for nothing but sun. Altogether, there likely won’t be a better weekend this winter to learn how to ski or sonwboard. Our friendly staff of certified Snow Schoolers instructors are eagerly anticipating the weekend, and are ready to share their passion with you in these pristine winter conditions. Lessons start at just $99 and can be booked online in just a few clicks, so we hope to see you this holiday weekend!

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