Survive the Drive - Helpful Resources for Driving in Winter Weather

By: Sam Crabtree | Published: 735 days ago.

No matter the weather it is ALWAYS a good idea to understand what kind of weather you are getting into. This season in Tahoe we have seen record snowfall, ensuring we'll have snow cover into the Spring. We've also faced road closures, chain control checkpoints, and impassable driveways. Snowschoolers would love to provide you with some tips and tricks below.


Driving in Snow, Lake Tahoe

  • Always allow for extra time. Drivetime predictions can't predict accidents and road closures so give yourself some breathing room and leave early. 
  • Have extra food and water in the car to be prepared for road closures due to storm impact.
  • Bring all your supplies with you, including groceries! The Tahoe area is low on supplies due to the road closures from the storm.
  • Be patient and respectful as all of Tahoe is working hard to dig out buildings and clear roads.


With all of this in mind, we hope to see you arrive safely and soon! Join our team on the mountain for fresh tracks and fun times.


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